Stating The Obvious 0553 – Immunity From Consequences. Because Fish-bicycle.
Captain Marvel is coming. How much will it suck? Probably much much suckness. The trailer is painful to watch. Captain Capitalism on Captain Marvel. Cappy also turned me on to Coach Red Pill. Great wisdom to be found here. I highly suggest you indulge yourself. Now we got to the main topic of the day. All men are potential rapists and murders. Womynz should not be responsible for their own safety. Womynz should be immune to any consequences of their actions. You know who else isn’t responsible for their own safety and thus requires other people to look out … Continue reading →
Normality (or something like it) Will Resume Soon(ish)
Greeting friends and enemies. The Great One has returned from Louisiana where I spent three days in the presence of The Adam Piggott and The Aaron Clarey. Great fun was had. Many leftards and SJWs were mocked. Problems were solved. Coffee was brewed. Cigars were smoked. And I scooped out the small number of attractive women we ran across. Was rejected by none (because I didn’t talk to them, not because I’m a player) thus no stories to tell on that account. I’ve got something I want to write. Will work on that today. Podcasting should be back in action … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious – 0085
“The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is inefficiency. An efficient bureaucracy is the greatest threat to liberty.” — Eugene McCarthy You can shove a dildo up your ass and pleasure yourself while imaging you are being butt fucked by Hussein Obama. You can’t “bail out the economy” by borrowing money from China. The government & military lie about the number of civilians killed into Afghanistan. I thought we had “change”? What the fuck? The military is manipulated and used by one Afghan to get revenge on other Afghans. Our military is used to settle a personal grudge. … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0176 – More White Knighting and Why You Walk Away From Cunts. Hint: It’s Not About Respecting Them.
White knights in the workplace. White knighting destroys the work place. It’s one thing for men to white knight on their time. But when they are working or serving in the military they are suppose to be focusing on creating value for the customer. As soon as you bring women into the workplace the white knights will cease to focus on creating value and begin to focus on managing the women’s emotions. Women in the workplace. Women will throw each other under the bus. Look at the whole Harvey Weinstein thing. All these women went along with his sexual needs … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment #0014 – Every Fucking Movie I See These Days Is A Remake
Anarchy Moment #0014 – Every Fucking Movie I See These Days Is A Remake Movies for y’all Medicated Generation are all remakes. Do you have any imagination of your own? Evil Dead = remake of Evil Dead Olympus Has Fallen = Airforce One Breakout = Every B Horror Movie ever made about hillbilly rednecks killing teenages. Magic Magic = Taken Dead Man Down = Strangers On A Train crossed with Rear Window The Call = Every movie about redemption for fucking up. Also a lesson about why you don’t dial 911. The Last Exorcism Part 2 = The Exorcist Is … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0376 – The Therapy Edition. Hillary Voters Are Inferior In The Workplace.
I have survived the busiest time of my year with the production company. Everyone I work with voted for Hillary. All of them are inferior. In this episode I do my venting and in the process explain why left-wing statists are the most inferior and lazy people ever. Including the story of how a Canadian cunt expects other people to throw her garbage away for her. Play in new window | Download Stating The Obvious 0628 – The Great One’s Wuhan Lifestyle. Making Things Happen. Stating The Obvious 0627 – Restaurants Suddenly Discover Disinfection and Hand Washing. Stating The … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0303 – Book Discussion: Date-onomics, How Dating Became A Lopsided Numbers Game by Jon Birger – Part 3
I continue my discussion of the book Date-onomics, How Dating Became A Lopsided Numbers Game by Jon Birger. A better title would have been All The Ways Men Need To Change So They Will Me Good Enough For 40 Year Old Fat Single Mothers To Marry. His data is good. It’s his conclusions which are laughable. Like all femisymps and beta male white knights Jon Birger makes a point of not holding women accountable for their situation. They are not to blame. As I’ve been saying. Women are objects not agents. Other things we learn in episodes 3 and 4 … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0465 – Worst Hotel Ever and The Great One In Love.
Buy stuff you don’t need via my affiliate link at Send a commie to Canada over at Commies To Canada. Give me bitcoin. That stuff is worthless anyhow. You don’t want it. 1JH1h6etHsRMfVNT4YuBh9YLkFFRcMqUsi In this episode: The worst hotel ever. When I went up to my room the toilet already had shit in it. The probably charge extra for that. The Great One finds the woman he wants to have children with. She is of course not interested. Play in new window | Download Stating The Obvious 0628 – The Great One’s Wuhan Lifestyle. Making Things Happen. Stating … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0144 – Statist Logic: Earthquakes Are Good Because They Make People Spend Money. Smoking Is Bad Because It Cost Money.
On The Biggest Problem In The Universe podcast Maddox asserted that the Broken Window Fallacy is a fallacy. He stated the earthquakes and hurricanes are good because they destroy things which then have to be replaced by newer things and money gets spent. Somewhat related he also asserted that World War II was good because he got a microwave oven out of it. Had WWII not occurred his assertion was that the microwave oven would not exist. In a stunning twist of statist thinking Maddox now asserts that smoking is bad because . . . wait for it . . … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0584 – Captain Marvel and Supergirl Walk Into A Femistatist Book Store and Find Out One More Reason Women Make Less Money Than Men.
In this episode: Captain Marvel. The alt-right can’t win. Why women make less money than men. The Foothills Fashion Mall. Cat girl at Hot Topic. Supergirl #27. Tangenting, bitching and complaining. Buy your Captain Marvel and Supergirl swag via my Amazon affiliate link at Then I can buy yet another Supergirl statue I don’t need. Send some commies to Canada. They said they would go if the Trumpenfuhrer was elected President but they are too dumb to figure out Canada is to the north and too poor to get there ’cause they have liberal arts degrees. Commies To Canada. … Continue reading →
Linkage: 26 November, 2019 – The Fears and Insanity of Fat Womynz. #CLSology
It’s 0800 and the snow is dumping outside. Now if the snow were dumping and I could stay home, write this episode of linkage, drink coffee, lift weights, podcast and attend to any of the literally (Hitler!) hundred things on my to-do list I’d be fine with that. But no. No good dead goes unpunished. I volunteered. Yes. I’m stupid. One of the first things I learned in the United States Army (in the pre-woman/fag/trannie era) was to never volunteer. Never. Ever. No matter what. And yet apparently I didn’t actually learn this lesson else I wouldn’t have to go … Continue reading →
Is But A Test Of The Posting
No real cynicism, ranting or bad words to be found. But just in case you click on the link . . . This is only a test. Test Post for Comment Notification. Test Post – Pimp ‘Dem Jamz I am a slacking bastard aren’t I? Slacking and Chaos Does TGO Live?
Continue reading →Linkage: 16 May, 2017 #TheTriggering
The framework value is liberty. I saw the news about the assailant who drove his car over people on the bridge near Big Ben and then crashed into the gate of Parliament, got out with a knife, and attacked other people. This person was an Islamic terrorist. Now think of other examples of terrorism, such as the man who went to the top of the tower at the University of Texas, 50 years ago, and started shooting people. Think also of the many cases of black people being taken and lynched by white supremacists. All these examples of terrorism resulted … Continue reading →
Vader Sessions
This is so damn funny. I crack up every time I watch it. Dinosaurs For Hire What’s funny and what’s not funny about Hussein Obama.
Continue reading →Stealing Other People’s Podcast.
Greetings friends and enemies. There was no podcast today as The Great One is busy. There may or may not be a podcast on Friday. TGO was busy working and while he was working he was listening to The Clarey Podcast – thought more specifically he was listening to the Old Brother Podcast. The episode I finished today is so good and so important and so relevant to a story I’m going to tell you when I have time that I’m actually going to steal Cappy’s podcast and put it in my feed. Cappy interviews Terrence Popp and Rich Cooper … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0253 – The Results of Femistatism: Liberal White Woman from North America Problems – part 1 of 3
Join me as we embark on a voyage through the letters written to E. Jean, the advice columnist for Elle magazine. Why is this important? Good question. The readers of Elle magazine, and thus the people who write to E. Jean are: From North America. White. Women. Upper middle class or richer. Liberal Democrats. Femistatist who identify as feminists. 40% single. (Are you surprised they can’t find men?) Thus these people are the results of femistatism. Looking at their problems gives an indicator of what will happen to your life if you are a femistatist. In addition to being a … Continue reading →