Anarchy Moment 0201 – Does MGTOW Make Sense?
I got an email. I’ve been listening to Mr Clarey and you shit on virgintows for quite a while but I never actually gave them a chance until now, Great One is it just me or does this MGTOW make a whole lot of sense? I would appreciate your take on this video. Cappy is “Mr. Clarey” but am I “Mr. Great One”…? Of course not. I gets no respect. Does this MGTOW make sense? We will delve into the video and decide. VirginTOWs are much like Femistatists now that I think about it. Legitimate MGTOW (the legitimate part is … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0365 – Colorado Election Analysis Episode IV: The Market, Natural Selection and The Application Of A Sufficient Amount Of High Explosives.
No Linkage today. In this final episode I wrap up my analysis of my voting options here in The People’s Republic of Colorado. If you are an anarcho-sissy and you think voting is violence I want you to keep that in mind when I put my balls in your mouth. If you push me away when my balls go in your mouth you are committing violence against me. Vote early. Vote often. Especially if you are dead. Vote in self-defence and stop being stupid. It’s easy to figure out. Will it raise taxes? Vote against it. Will it create more … Continue reading →
The Great One is on The Clarey Podcast
Greetings y’all. Yes there has been no linkage. Yes there will be no linkage tomorrow. The Great One has been busy as all fuck creating value for other people in exchange for money. I know many of you just voted Democrat (and lost) and thus have done your only “job” until the next election rolls around. I’m not on welfare however. I work for a living. If you want your Monday dose of Stating The Obvious you will have to hit up The Clarey Podcast to get it. Direct link here: Great thanks to Aaron Clarey for asking … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0423 – Book Discussion – The Internet Is Not The Answer Episode IX: Why Feminists Fake Death and Rape Threats On The Interwebz.
More discussion of the book The Internet Is Not The Answer by Andrew Keen. Buy stuff you don’t need at and give me a cut – click the Amazon banner at and give me your money you capitalist pig! I ended the last episode by asserting that most of these death threats and rape threats femistatists receive on the interwebz are fictitious. In this episode I’ll start by explaining why. Then we will stumble upon evidence I am right. Here are the reasons I call bullshit on this “I’m receiving threats of death and rape on the internet … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0470 – Wall-Hitting Women With Worthless Degrees Fail – Episode II: “I live paycheck to paycheck and I’m deeply in debt.”
In this episode: We continue with this “Facing poverty, academics turn to sex work and sleeping in cars” Despite all the warning signs people continue to major in worthless degrees such as English, Medieval Poetry, 16th Century British History, International Communications, and Sociology. You can listen to Cappy’s podcast on this article here: Wall-hitting women with college diplomas in fields that create no value for other humans are poor. Who the fuck would have guessed? “Most of my colleagues are unjustifiably ashamed,” she said. “They take this personally, as if they’ve failed, and I’m always telling them, ‘you … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0205 – Femistatism Means Waiting For Someone Else To Do Everything For You.
I finish talking about Annie E. Clark and Andrea Pino. More about how femistatists want all women to be objects not agents. How femistatists want all women to wait around for things to happen instead of making them happen. More ragging on Hunger Games and Catching Fire. Woman Logic: “I will not kill members of the government who want to kill someone I love but I will kill someone I love so he doesn’t get killed by the government.” Shut the fuck up and go make me a pie. Then I start in on an article about how women just … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0220 – 0630 Sunday Morning. Too Tired To Rant.
Guess what The Great One is doing today? If you guessed “putting stuff into boxes and taking the boxes to storage” then you guessed right. TGO hates leaf blowers. Getting water out of a water bed. More complicated than you think. My fuck ups in the packing process. A distinct lack of hot chycks at 0630 on Sunday. Get those damn fiat currency federal reserve cuck bucks out of your pockets via my Amazon affiliate link at Then I can buy yet another Supergirl statue I don’t need and support the evils of the free market. Send some commies … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0510 – Using Homosexuals As Props To Beg For Money On The Internet.
The Human Right Campaign cares about homosexuals. As LGBTQ people have been rounded up, tortured, and even killed in the Russian republic of Chechnya, HRC has taken action to help put an end to the atrocities. How much do they care? They care so much that there is a “donate” button on the page. They care so much that not one of these pieces of garbage has gone to Chechnya to get LGBTQKKK people out of the country so they are not killed. They care so much that sent a letter to President Trump asking for his help. This … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0263 – A Four-fecta Of Smackdown.
In these four recordings edited into one podcast (not uploaded as four different files on the same post) The Great One lays smackdown upon: 1. Atheists who aren’t even real atheists. And that would be most of them. 2. How do you people not have either stuff or money? What the fuck are you doing with your fucking money? 3. 85% of people lack the instinct for self-preservation. Thus the chant “Immigrants! Come on over!” 4. Why libtards can’t be allowed to live in Ancapadise. Enjoy the Wuhan inspired decline by spending your fiat currency through my Amazon affiliate link … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0227 – Arian Podcasters Prove That People With IQs In The High 80s Can Be Very Creative.
I got no love for the (((Jews))). Except for the hot Jewish chycks. Yes they exist. I dated one for 2 years. But for the fucking love of God. Listening to two Arian Nationalist talking about how The Karate Kid and Raiders Of The Lost Ark are filled with metaphors about the oppression of Arians by Jews is way more than I can handle. And of course the cyber-begging. Always with the cyber-begging. What if you fuckers got jobs? Oh wait, that would involve work. Ya know, the (((Jews))) are totally safe from the Arians because most of these Arian … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0621 – National Geographic Magazine Is Cucked As Fuck.
In this episode I talk some more about period poverty. I mean how can I not. How can a sane person not make fun of this? Then I get back to the path where all this started. Making fun of National Geographic Magazine. We have a look through the “The Arctic Is Heating Up” issue. We get a few laughs out of it. It’s the same thing you’ve been hearing since the 1980s. The North Pole is going to melt and be ice free by 1990, 2000, 2010, 2014, and 2020. Guess what? “What Great One?” Quote “Imagine the top … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0313 – Book Discussion: Data And Goliath – The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World by Bruce Schneier – Part 5
I spend the first 40 minutes of this podcast not talking about the book Data And Goliath – The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World by Bruce Schneier. Instead I talk about: Trail running. The power of having specific goals. Natural selection. RPGs (Role Playing Games) Self-awareness. Statists as children with no sense of self-direction. How statists are people who need government/god (parents) to tell them not to kill people because they aren’t smart enough to figure out for themselves that killing other people isn’t very smart. Other people are the best thing in life. You … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment #0044 – Being An An-Cap Doesn’t Mean You Must Approve Of Everything. Shaming Is An Option.
In an even more disjointed than normal episode I explain why a person can be an anarcho-capitalist and still shame people for being fat. Being an an-cap does not mean you accept, approve of and support everything others do. Plus I published late today because of two things. A cute girl and watching Spartacus. Deal with it. Play in new window | Download Anarchy Moment 0263 – A Four-fecta Of Smackdown. Anarchy Moment 0262 – Do Any Of You Even Know What Is A Brain Cell? Anarchy Moment 0261 – Podcasting By The Fire With My Bipolar Girlfriend. Anarchy … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0407 – Trigger Warning: Your Need To Scream “Racist” Will Be Activated Today. And Supergirl Is Not A Real Person.
Give me your money when you shop at via or you hate children! The debate now rages. Is there a delay in the recording process between when I hear the audio and when it’s recorded. Yet again I sing along (yea, it’s less singing and more making terrible noise) with the intro music and I am lagging behind the lyrics. This will be investigated and resolved in upcoming podcasts. Because this is what’s important. Screw the decline of Western Civilization. My ego is job one here at the CLS. In today’s episode I point at the obvious active … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0568 – The Suckage Of Comic Books Episode I: A Comic About Aliens Should Have Aliens In It.
In this episode: My latest gym story. The comic book store chyck. The new Aliens comic book series sucks. I’ll tell you why. If you want to read a comic that does not suck buy The Dark Knight Returns via my Amazon affiliate link at Then I can buy yet another Supergirl statue I don’t need. Send some commies to Canada. They said they would go if the Trumpenfuhrer was elected President but they are too dumb to figure out Canada is to the north and too poor to get there ’cause they have liberal arts degrees. Commies To … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0149 – True Life Millennial Story. If Ostracism “Will Not Work” Why Do The SJWs Rely On Ostracism So Much?
A true story about a Millennial and his worthlessness. Have you ever suggested to statists that ostracism will be one way in which “bad” people will be dealt with in Ancapadise? They always tell you that will never work don’t they. Yet social justice warriors use ostracism as one of their primary weapons. It seems to work pretty well for them. The threat of ostracism keeps a large segment of the population living in fear and obedient. Play in new window | Download Anarchy Moment 0263 – A Four-fecta Of Smackdown. Anarchy Moment 0262 – Do Any Of You … Continue reading →