Yes All Women Are Like That 0006 – Sugar Baby Is A Career Option For 40 Year Old Wall-hitters and College Girls.
In this episode:
Millennials can’t get jobs with their worthless degrees in gender studies, international communications and political science. Thus they turn to whoring.
For the stupid people who may read this:
It is a fact that follows from self-ownership that women can exchange sex for money. In Ancapadise women will be able to trade sex for money anytime they can find a man willing to pay them. But we don’t live in Ancapadise. We live in a statist society where I and other heterosexual white men with jobs subsidize womynz cock carousel rides.
Another fact is that men always pay for sex regardless. It would be better if we all stop lying to ourselves. I am not opposed to women being paid for sex.
For the men who respond “I’ve never paid for sex” – you might want to stop being delusional. At the very least you paid for the sex with the opportunity cost. I’m not going to explain what opportunity cost is because if you don’t know what opportunity cost is you are too stupid to be looking at this website. Go away.
The mental illness you will read below isn’t related to women being paid for sex. The mental illness is the hamster wheel gymnastics engaged in to justify women getting paid for sex and exercising self-ownership while continuing to oppose self-ownership in other facets of life and dodge responsibilty.
Let the games begin.
Eight percent of millennial Americans are currently involved in sugaring. Sugaring refers to the act of providing one’s company for financial compensation and usually involves romantic and personal relationships.
First of all, this means 8% of female millennials. The percentage of millennial men who are able to be paid money for sex is 0.01% at best.
Let’s do some math and oppress women – because math is sexist.
Millennials number approximately 83 million people in the United States. Say 51% of them are female, that’s 42.33 million chycks. Eight percent of that is 3,386,400 millennial girls who will fuck for money.
There are approximately 33,000 students at Colorado State University. Say 60% are female, a reasonable guesstimate. That’s 19,800 girls. Eight percent of those girls arrives at 1,584 chycks who are willing to fuck me for money.
Just walking up to a college girl and asking her “how much” will eventually result in a score.
My odds of banging the CSU Women’s Volleyball Team are looking up.
Thompson: Sugar Babies are a step up for women
By Madison Thompson
Having multiple jobs is not uncommon for millennials. Some people walk dogs, others buy and resell vintage clothes and some exchange their time for an emotional and sometimes physical relationship with older, wealthy men. The people who pursue this line of work as usually college-aged people and are commonly known as sugar babies.
Not all millennials are still in college. Why don’t these millennials have jobs? You got a degree in gender studies and sociology didn’t you? You followed your dreams. You care about childrynz. Why are you walking dogs and pretending to be attracted to old men in order to make money?
Could it be that your degree is . . . worthless? Maybe you are . . . lazy? Perhaps you are . . . stupid?
And just for the purpose of clarity, these people (who happen to be almost exclusively female) are commonly known as prostitutes.
One way to know when people are doing something they know is wrong is their attempt to change the language. Prostitute becomes “sugar baby”. Paedophilia becomes “love is ageless”. Not wanting 42 year old men to fuck your 8 year old son in the ass become “paediophobic”.
Becoming a sugar baby presents a unique opportunity for women pursuing financial security and should be considered a viable career option because it gives them complete control over a financial, emotional and sometimes a physical relationship. Normalizing this behavior can only benefit future generations as women become more autonomous and use these opportunities to benefit themselves and the world around them.
Prostitution should be normalized and considered a viable career option because the usual ways of acquiring money are not options for most millennial women.
In the olden days women acquired money by getting married to men who had jobs. Given the decline of men (not many millennial men are marriage material) coupled with the ever tiny number of millennial women who are marriage material (debt free virgins who don’t have tattoos and piercings) the marriage option is less accessible to millennials than to any previous generation.
In more recent times women were able to acquire money by getting jobs. This path is also less accessible to millennials as they major in fields no one is willing to pay them for. They are lazier & less intelligent than previous generations while having a sense of entitlement that is off the charts.
A minimum of 80% of millennial women have limited options for acquiring money. Work for a non-profit. Work for a college. Go on welfare and make babies as a single mother. Accuse a man with money of rape (#MeToo). Prostitution.
For a 23 year old womynz in 2018 those are her choices.
While it is generally a young woman’s game, men are also known to seek out and benefit from these opportunities.
The number of women who will pay for sex is tiny. Women don’t need to pay for sex because no matter how fat and ugly a woman is there is always some white knight who will bang her. Finding one man in France who gets paid to bang an older women simply proves the rule.
The relationship between a sugar baby and their sugar daddy can take on many different facets. They sometimes include physical aspects. However, the relationships are usually based largely on emotional intimacy and companionship.
No man is paying you for your companionship. This is the hamster wheel in full overdrive. You are being paid for your body.
And boys, if you are paying a woman to pretend she likes you and you are not fucking her . . . you’re missing the entire point. And you’re beta. And you’re cuck. Girls will fuck for money. They always have. They always will.
In his article, Stanfield claims that while being a sugar baby is a decent prospect while you are young, it is implausible to consider it as a career option because it is established mainly on the pretense of physical attraction. This might have been an issue some time ago, but forms of plastic surgery and makeup techniques can make someone who is 40 look 20.
Plastic surgery and makeup can make someone who is 40 look 20. The degree of disconnect femistatists (not all women – I don’t claim all women this stupid – but easily 80% of them are) have from reality is staggering. I am a man. Would I pay a woman to fuck me? Damn right I would. I prefer it that way.
Would I pay a 40 year old wall-hitter to fuck me if my other option was a 20 year old? Not a chance in hell.
Men, even the most beta of them, are able to distinguish a 40 year old wall-hitter fresh from Botox injections wearing makeup from a 20 year old hottie. The only reason a man would choose the wall-hitter over the hottie is that he can’t afford the hottie. The reason a beta would choose a wall-hitter over a hottie is because he can’t afford the hottie and he’s trying to virtue signal how down he is with the femistatist notion that 40 is the new 20.
It is also possible that a sugar baby makes enough money that they do not necessarily have to pursue a secondary career. Even if they are being paid an allowance, daddies are known to give gifts in the form of student loan payments and free meals. This allows sugar babies to better establish their financial independence at an early age and possibly retire younger than most.
If you are going to make a living as a prostitute why bother going to college?
Due to an increasing reliance on technology, the ability to be financially independent and control their bodily autonomy is an attractive offer. The prospects for sugar babies are likely to only increase. In the United States, the number of older men aged 65+ living alone is projected to rise by 65% between now and 2030 from 911,000 to 1.5 million.
Let me see do I understand this.
Dating and fucking a man your dad’s age is gross and he must be sick if he likes women your age.
Dating and fucking multiple men your grandfathers age for money is a viable career path.
Understand this boys – women run on emotion. Nothing else. And ya know what controls a woman’s emotions more than anything else? Money.
And then there is this cryptic sentence.
Due to an increasing reliance on technology, the ability to be financially independent and control their bodily autonomy is an attractive offer.
What does that mean? Due to reliance on technology financial independence and bodily autonomy are attractive? Does she mean that before smart phones being financially independent and owning their own bodies was not attractive to women? What does technology have to do with either? If prostitutes are going to be financially independent does that mean they will not be using any government benefits and taxpayer subsidies?
And the Orwellian language. Remember what I said about changing the language and making up words.
Bodily autonomy.
Right. Femistatists posture when it comes to “my body, my choice”. Does this bodily autonomy include selling one of your kidneys? Do I have bodily autonomy or is this only for women? Can I exercise my bodily autonomy to not register for the selective service and have the State tell me what to do with my body? Can I not pay income tax with the money I earned using my body? Can I use my body to tell a trannie that hesheit is mentally ill?
Whether the relationship is mainly emotional or physical, it is possible they could foster a sense of entitlement over women’s time and emotional investment. I do not consider this a real issue as women are the ones setting the terms of the arrangement and have the complete power to shut down this sort of behavior.
How tragic it would be if the man paying a woman for sex developed a sense of entitlement over that woman’s time. Just because he is paying her doesn’t mean she owes him anything. This is a good indication of why millennials are such failures in the workplace. I can see this stupid bint bint of stupidity getting agitated that her boss (assuming she can ever get a job) expects her to show up for the job (on time even) and even do specific tasks (to standards even). How dare someone foster a sense of entitlement over her time just because he is paying her.
I suspect it might be true that women in fact do set the terms and have complete power in these arrangements. Arrangement is the new word for turning tricks. And that is a clear indicator that men are failing. As if we didn’t know men are failing.
If you are a man paying a prostitute sugar baby baby of sugar to have sex with you and she is setting the terms despite you having the money you are doing it wrong. She needs you more than you need her. You can get an orgasm with your hand. You can get companionship with a dog. You can get sophisticated companionship with a cat.
She can only get money from men. Either individual men (whoring) or the men who pay taxes (welfare). If babies of sugar could get money without being babies of sugar they wouldn’t be babies of sugar. Why do I have to explain that? Oh yea, public education. Boys, you have the power. If you aren’t dominating her while paying her I guarantee she’s laughing at you behind your back. If not to your face as well.
These relationships could be used against women as a means of demeaning their romantic freedom; a well-known anti-women group referred to as “incels,” short for involuntary celibates, may be able to exploit this relationship structure to prove that women are shallow beings who only spend their time with men who can afford their attention despite obvious character flaws.
Incels are the new Nazis.
Want to insult a person but don’t know anything about him? Call him an incel. Better yet an incel Nazi.
Did you know that on college campuses 5 out of 1 women are raped every 13 seconds by incel Nazis? Trump must go!
She (I use the pronoun “she” very loosely) is concerned that incels may be able to use the fact that 8% of millennial women exchange sex for money to prove women are shallow.
First, incels are busy playing video games and posting on Tumbler from their mom’s basements. Incels have no interest in proving women are shallow.
Second, women are shallow as any man who has ever dated a woman knows. This bint of stupidity has written an entire column explaining that 40 year old wall-hitters can look 20 by putting on makeup and that prostitution is a viable career option for said wall-hitters.
I thought womyn could “any thing a man can do”, “strong and independent”, “fish bicycle” and shatter the glass ceiling. Come to find out 8% of millennial women can only aspire to packing on makeup and sucking dick for money.
No. Nothing shallow around these parts. I know most of the girls I’ve dated have been oceans of philosophy and enterprise.
By the way, women do only spend their time with men who can afford their attention. It’s called dating. Women date men who have more money than them. Because they only date men who can afford their attention. There is an entire book written about this. Date-onomics by Jon Birger.
The entire book is about how women can’t find men to date because they will only date men who make more money than they do. It’s packed with data. I did a six part series of Stating The Obvious about this book. Women being shallow is a fact.
Women only date men who can afford them. Fact. No one needs incels to prove this.
However, it is also possible that an incel could benefit from a pseudo-romantic or emotional connection.
Babies of sugar can save us from the coming incel rebellion. Babies of sugar are so compassionate and caring. They care about the childrynz and the incylz. Babies of sugar are providing a public service. In fact babies of sugar should probably be subsidized. They should at least get tax breaks.
You babies of sugar . . . you do pay taxes on this income right? You report this to the IRS right? Because you want to pay your fair share to taxes to support childrynz and Obama Care and government quotas for coloured people people of colour and importing third-world rapists.
If you are a man, and you are paying a baby of sugar, and you are not reporting her income to the IRS, you might want to have a look around for your balls. Maybe an incel can help you find them.
Potential connections should establish the exact nature of the relationship before any transactions occur. One sugar baby stated that she has “turned down thousands of dollars to hold my ground of no sex. The key is to have them work for you, not for you to work for them. You’re the boss.”
Woman logic: The man wanted me to fuck. I would not fuck. Thus the man didn’t fuck me and pay me. Therefore I’m the boss. No dear, he just moved on. Reminder: There are 3.5 billion women on Earth. You are not special. No matter what your single mom told you, you are not special.
Boys. If the baby of sugar is setting the terms she’s laughing at you. If you are paying the baby of sugar and she is not fucking you she’s laughing at you. She is in fact the boss. You’re a cuck.
Sugar babies should be wary of scams, but established websites like make it easy to find the right opportunity.
With this website, daddies can become verified which means they are subject to background checks and their income is verified. As with any profession, mastering it takes time but the annual summit in Los Angeles is another indicator of the increasing legitimacy of this industry.
Are the women background checked to make sure they are not falsely accusing men of rape? Single mothers? Mental problems? On medication for their personalities? Have STDs? Of course not. Because womynz can never be held to scrutiny or standards. Because vagaina.
While the profession does come with many risks, the rewards are not only better for the person but arguably society since the financial independence allows them to pursue other activities. Many enter the sugar baby world as young women wanting to establish themselves, and if there is a demand that they can fill just by spending time with someone, the benefits usually outweigh the risks while giving women the ability to be an autonomous being.
Babies of sugar can pursue other activities. Such as?
Protesting against Trump. Voting Democrat. Collecting welfare. Being a single mother, aka raising the next generation of incels and school shooters. Shopping. Getting plastic surgery. Taking medication for their personality defects. Complaining about how there are no good men. Getting liberal arts degrees. Being victims. Attention whoring on social media. Spreading sexually transmitted diseases.
Yes. That select 8% of the Medicated Generation is truly establishing themselves. Establishing themselves as one more reason Western Civilization can not be saved in it’s present form and the best option for the superior people is to enjoy the decline while paying college girls for sex.
Madison Thompson can be reached at or at @heyymadison
Yes. Find himherit Twitter. Madison looks exactly like what you expect. Exactly.
Stanfield: Sugar Babies could be step back for women
By Arisson Stanfield
Many college women are seeking to acquire an income by selling their time and affection and becoming a Sugar Baby. A sugar baby is someone willing to trade their romantic interest for financial compensation. Compensation can range from thousands of dollars in monthly payments to extravagant trips and gifts.
As if women trading their bodies and attention for money and resources is a new thing. Women have always and will always do this. One could argue that women haven’t historically been so blatant about it. Perhaps. With the decline of western men into beta white knights nearly all controls on female behaviour and hypergamy have vanished. As a result womynz can throw that P with no fear of consequence.
Womynz can in fact be praised by betas for throwing that P. Because the beta thinks if he praises womynz enough a womynz might actually have sex with him.
There are risks to such arrangements and while being a Sugar baby is certainly not illegal, there are reasons why one should think twice before seeking the life of luxury it seems to offer.
It’s not illegal because it benefits womynz. And actually it is illegal. Everyone pretends it (exchanging money for sex) is not illegal because it benefits womynz. And womynz are oppressed. Because when you are “strong and independent”, “can do anything a man can do”, and “fish-bicycle” . . . you are oppressed all the time.
While sugaring certainly offers many fiscal benefits, it also comes with its fair share of dangers. Both sugar babies and their would-be partners are frequently targets of scammers.
How can you be a target of scammers when you are “Smartest Generation Ever”, “strong and independent”, “fish-bicycle”? How can womynz be gullible and “fish-bicycle” at the same time?
Sugar babies may be asked to send explicit pictures in order to prove their worth to sugar daddies who have no interest in continuing the relationship afterward. Sugar babies may find partners who create the illusion of wealth but in reality, cannot provide the lifestyle they advertise.
Millennial womynz send explicit pictures to people at the drop of a hat. Trust me. Even I can score explicit photos from college girls. That’s not exploitation. That’s attention whoring and it comes naturally to the Medicated Generation.
The man may not have as much money as he claims to have! Gasp! Shock! Outrage! Boys, question for ya. Are you aware that the girl you are fucking has had at least 2.5 times the number of cocks inside of her that she’s told you have been inside her? Not to mention that she’s fucking other men while dating you. And she’s looking for your replacement. But a man might lie to a whore about his income. And we can’t have that. Because womynz value honesty.
Maddison argues that sites such as help reduce the risk of scamming. However, her perspective runs in opposition to actual reports from The Seeking Arrangements 2017 Summit at which sugar babies were told that “rich men are least likely to post the correct sums,” on their profile.
They are men. They are rich. They can say and do whatever they like and women will let these men grab their pussies. This is a fact. Womynz sucked off (((Harvey Weinstein))) because he was powerful and rich. Not one womynz objected to (((Weinstein))) sperm in her stomach until she hit the wall.
Sugar baby Emma Gammer, who facilitated the session on profiles, stated that “rich men probably won’t have a profile picture as they’re the ones with something to lose if people find out they’re on the site.” According to actual sugar babies working with the most popular platform for their lifestyle, the industry is still rife with confusion, deceit, and risk.
Maybe the government needs to make some laws. Shouldn’t this be regulated? Why didn’t The Messiah Hussein Obama the First Affirmative Action President and Second Coming Of Jesus Christ (Unless You Are A (((Jew))) in which case he was the First Coming Of Christ) form a Department of Sugar Baby to regulate, protect and provide welfare benefits for babies of sugar?
It’s almost as if O-Bam-Bam hated womynz.
The risks of sugaring are not only fiscal, these arrangements put sugar babies at risk physically.
National Director of World Without Exploitation Lauren Hersh states that “(T)here’s an expectation that the buyer or the sugar daddy can do whatever he wants, so very often we hear there’s extraordinary violence when the door gets shut.”
You can google Lauren Hersh. She’s hitting the wall, but may have been cute when she was 20. Her Linkedin profile is locked down so I can’t make fun of the specific liberal arts degree she has.
Here’s the problem with being a whore according to Arisson, our cuck of colour. The poor womynz might be at risk physically. The other risk he cares about not. Babies of sugar don’t pay taxes, become mentally insane, are undatable/marryable, and turn into single mothers who drain welfare and raise the next generation of incel school shooters. No problems there. Nothing to see. Move along.
Instead of protecting these whores of stupidity from violence – what if their fathers smacked them upside the head and forbade them from going to college to get a degree in sociology with a double minor in gender studies and African history?
Oh wait . . . most of the babies of sugar have no idea who their father is. Just like their children will never know their fathers.
Making a relationship into a financial transaction can create arrangements where men feel as though they are owed something by women; implying to some that women are something to be bought and used. More worryingly, it may also make women feel pressured to gratify their partners sexual needs regardless of what their own interest and desires are.
When you enter into a financial transaction with someone you do fucking own them something. That is the nature of a transaction. Leftist inherently don’t understand this. Leftist think they are entitled because they exist and their existence is enough.
Witness the White Knighting of the 27th level. The trick should pay the baby of sugar but the baby of sugar does not owe the trick anything in return. The baby of sugar is entitled to the trick’s money.
Do you womynz seriously not understand why many men don’t trust you? Why many men are willing to live without you?
Sugar babies also run the risk of working against their own best interest. Opportunity cost is what one loses out on when choosing one course of action over another. The time spent seeking a financially gratifying relationship is the same time that could be spent pursuing a relationship rooted in romance or pursuing a different, more stable career field.
College students are so stupid they have to have opportunity cost explained to them. Although not knowing what opportunity cost is (despite having Google and being “The Smartest Generation Ever”) would explain why so many of them get worthless degrees instead of looking for a husband (specifically girls) or going to trade school and starting their own business (specifically boys).
Womynz are not biologically capable of understanding the concept of the future.
No. You didn’t read that sentence wrong. Triggered.
To womynz there is only now. This is because womynz have always, and will always, be bailed out by a man or men any time they fuck up. If a womynz doesn’t save enough money to retire, if she can’t change a flat tire, if she has no health insurance (despite Obamacare) her husband, boyfriend, son, brother, father, grandfather, uncle or all men who pay taxes will come to her rescue.
Women have never, will never, experience consequences.
There are no opportunity costs for womynz because womynz do not understand the concept of future. They have no opportunity.
For the benefit of “The Smartest Generation Ever” let me explain that I use the term “womynz” to distinguish womynz from the exiting yet statistically irrelevant number of actual women (no debt, no tattoos, virgins) who do exist.
The pursuit of fast cash through sugaring comes at the expense of developing skills that could better serve one in the future. If one spends their time learning how to use their looks to secure financial stability what are they to do when their attractiveness inevitably fades?
What will womynz do when they hit the wall?
Is this a fucking serious question?
Wall-hitting womynz will do what wall-hitting womynz are doing right now.
#MeToo is the retirement plan for womynz wall-hitters. Ninety-eight percent of #MeToo womynz are wall-hitting ugly women who can no longer get by on their looks. You think #MeToo is out of control now. Wait 20 years. In 2038 the allegations of sexual harassment and rape are going to explode.
And that’s what being a baby of sugar is in the end. It’s a setup for #MeToo.
Certainly the babies of sugar want money they can spend today. And I just told you that women have no concept of future thus run the danger of contradict myself in the next sentence but I have giant balls and thus I can do this.
Babies of sugar know that when they hit the wall at 40 they can accuse their tricks of rape and rake in the money and the attention. The two elements all women (yes all women) need to survive. And beta white knights will heap the money and attention upon the wall-hitters with the desperation that comes from holding in your mind the off chance that a girl will have sex with them.
This is an issue that will disproportionately affect women as studies show that men’s attractiveness tends to be correlated with how dominant women perceive them to be. This is not necessarily the case for women whose attractiveness can be correlated more purely with physical appearance and is therefore more susceptible to decline with age.
Women’s attractiveness does not correlate with physical appearance. Women’s attractiveness is physical appearance. I just did an episode about this. Allow me to show you the chart again.
Women are most attractive at 18 and it’s all downhill from there. Men are most attractive at 50. White, brown and yellow women are most desired. Black women least desired. White men are most desired followed by black men. Brown and yellow men close behind. There is nothing here that is news unless you are a leftist or SJW.
Thompson argues that sugaring provides a way for liberated women to explore romance and capitalism in a way that is autonomous and self-directed. At the same time, this line of work seems to subvert The Women’s Progressive Society’s assessment that there is a, “necessity [for the] financial independence of all women.”
Thompson is not arguing. She is talking about her emotions. First rule of philosophy: Call things what they are.
Being a whore is capitalism. And I have no problem with it (whoring or capitalism – just don’t lie about what your doing). It’s the most honest work most of these womynz will ever do in their lives. Far better than working for non-profits or government where most of these broads of slutness will end up.
Our cucked boy of colour goes full retard with this quote that womynz have a necessity for financial independence. What the hell does that even mean? So if a womynz has no money some “necessity” is suppose to give it to her? You mean . . . tax payers? Once again, women are always bailed out by men when they fail.
There is no such thing as a necessity for financial independence. Either you create value for other humans or you die of starvation. But then you faggot statists showed up, implemented welfare, circumvented natural selection and now your daughters and wives are being raped by third world persons of colour who think having sex with virgins cures AIDS.
Thanks for cucking Western Civilization into non-existence.
Being a sugar baby paradoxically promotes traditional heteronormative power structures and relationship arrangements. At the same time it is the free choice of countless young women and, for many, is a fast route to honest money that is under their control.
All you white cucks who think black men can be on your side read that first sentence again. Cucks of colour are cucks. Cucks not of colour are cucks. Cucks are cucks. They cuck. It’s what cucking cucks do.
His second point is that being a baby of sugar is a fast way to honest money that is under the baby of sugar’s control. Which is an admission that womynz with liberal arts degrees and womynz who work for non-profits or government are not making honest money. Which we already knew.
Even a cuck of colour, like a broken clock, can be right twice a day.
The clear presence of alluring benefits and the risk of pernicious cost make this a topic that cannot go undiscussed in our universities and the larger society. Students interested in gaining more perspective on this issue and other related topics may find the resources they need within Colorado State University’s Women and Gender Advocacy Center and the Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research.
Arisson Stanfield can be reached at or on twitter @OddestOdyssey
Cuck fathers. Wear your MAGA hat. Read Ann Coulter’s books. Watch Fox News. Go full retard in your wet dream of making America great again. Then send your princess daughter to college where she can go to the Womynz and Mental Illness Advocacy Centre or the Centre for Womynz Studies and Mental Illness Research and get the resources she needs to ride cock for money.
And hell, if your princess is cute I’ll have a go at fucking her while I enjoy the decline . . . ’cause the decline ain’t gonna enjoy itself.
Wait? What the fuck? Bonus round!
Over and over again, I saw women discouraged from being up-front about their intentions and boundaries because it would “turn off” a potential Daddy and compromise their ability to cash in. This is what’s anti-feminist about Sugaring — pandering to anti-feminist Sugar Daddies. Lots of power-tripping dudes will get turned off by a woman wielding her power in explicit ways. That’s why you talk about how you like power to change hands at the outset, when you’re defining the terms of your dynamic. If you skip that step, you might end up with a Daddy who controls you not because you like it (feminist), but because it’s his default to treat women that way (not feminist). And that guy doesn’t deserve to be rewarded with an awesome, thoughtful, savvy Sugar Baby like you.
I think Sugaring is a completely valid, totally great lifestyle/relationship choice. But I also think that, like in all relationships, you have to practice complete honesty and openness with your partner or partners. This is especially true when the relationship has a transactional nature or a power dynamic built into it. And if your Sugar Daddy can’t deal with that like a grown-up, then he isn’t worth his salt.
Womynz have been given so much money and so much power that the very idea of being told “no” has moved beyond their ability to comprehend.
Men should pay babies of sugar and let the babies of sugar wield the power in the transaction. If a man can’t deal with being subordinate to the woman he’s paying for sex that mean he isn’t grown up.
Welcome to the results of letting women vote. There are things we can learn from the Muslims. This would be one of them.
Instead of paying a girl to pretend she likes you spend those fiat currency cuck bucks at my Amazon affiliate link at I will buy this Supergirl figurine so I can objectify women.
Send some commies to Canada. They said they would go if the Trumpenfuhrer was elected President but they are too dumb to figure out Canada is to the north and too poor to get there ’cause they have liberal arts degrees. Commies To Canada.
Bitcoin me bitches and bitchettes. It’s the only crypto-currency that can be used to buy anything.

Which one is the baby of sugar?
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My how civilization has come full circle…. “modern” women moving back to their first and oldest profession.
Golden rule for men of course is no up-front payment, no fucks, then no bucks… simple, sweet, and ensure both parties benefit from the transaction.