Linkage: 22 August, 2017 #TheTriggering
The Great One has said that it may take Muslims coming to the United States, taking voting away from women, and telling women to shut up for Western Civilization to be saved.
Here is what Asshole Consulting has to say about it.
Since everyone agrees that racism is the worst thing in the world, racism against the country’s majority population must be particularly bad, because it harms the most people, right?
Wrong. White people are icky and bad. If you disagree, you are a racist.
By the way, a very easy way to identify thought-conforming SJWs arseholes is to see whether or not they enthusiastically adopt stupid, humiliating, and individualistic-destroying monikers such as “Googlers” and “Googliness”. Keep in mind that the point of Damore’s memo was that people should be treated as individuals and not as dancing puppets of minority groups. Yet he works for a company that labels all its employees as Googlers. Less individualistic than this would be difficult to find.
The ironic thing is that Google does not practice what it supposedly preaches with the overwhelming majority of its employees being white or Asian, and male. But that’s the whole point.
If you can’t actually adopt diversity for real because your competitive business model won’t allow for it, then you need to be seen to be adopting it, and the best way to do that is to proclaim it loudly to the heavens for all to hear and rejoice over.
Whether or not this signals the beginning of an implosion at Google and its eventual collapse I do not know, but we can at least agree that the signs for its continued existence in its present form are not healthy. Google has only been around since 1998, so a young engineer straight out of college who started with them would be in his early forties now. If anything this merely reinforces that the days of a job for life are over unless you’re prepared to become a full SJW, and even in that case your job will end up disappearing as the company diversifies its way out of existence.
It is not women but milk cows who are allegedly “raped” by being artificially inseminated.
But according to PETA, there is no moral difference between a woman and a cow.
In addition to being sexist, cheese also causes global warming. If you eat cheese, you are a sexist who hates the planet. You are a bad person. The only way you can redeem yourself is to submit completely to liberal ideology.
Right now there are a lot of new participants in the Alt Right who like to think they are “edgy.” To them, the point is to be as extreme as possible, not just to open the Overton Window but to push toward a far-right solution like National Socialism. The problems with this are manifold: first, it embraces a system that has failed; second, this system has some attributes that alienate our people, like cruelty and repression; third, it is too much like contemporary European Socialism or the American hybrid system, just with racial exclusivity added. In addition, it assumes that white people want to unite under the banner of generic white, and not to maintain their own complex social structures which include different white ethnic groups, caste and class.
But its real fatal flaw is that in preaching to the choir, it picks a smaller group than the audience of functional people to which it needs to appeal.
People get this wrong. Twitter just fumbled this one by choosing to appeal to SJWs by censoring right-wing users as “trolls,” and it resulted in an exodus of normal people from Twitter.
With Twitter, we see the age-old truism that conventional wisdom is usually wrong. Whatever most people think is true is probably mostly a lie. The industry analysts told them that it was more important to avoid fears than it was to achieve positive goals like having interesting content. The same is true of the Alt Right. Our fear is of becoming irrelevant, so we tend to support the audience that we already have instead of the audience that we need to have. We need the normies who are also functional and leaders in their community, the type of people that others follow and imitate. Instead, we are appealing to the single-issue National Socialist types who offer no solutions for anyone experienced with European history or even common sense. Just like Twitter, who limited its audience to SJWs by driving everyone else away, the Alt Right will lose audience as it focuses on one group and ignores the bigger picture.
He was not safe in sharing his views. Damore was fired explicitly for not conforming to deranged far-left orthodoxy. (Specifically, he was found guilty of “advancing harmful gender stereotypes.”) It won’t be easy finding another job in the tech industry, which is rigidly intolerant of any deviance from leftist ideology. Just ask former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich.
Happy now, Erica? You live under tyranny, just like you wanted. It is soft tyranny for the time being, but tyranny nonetheless.
In his memo, Damore lamented that Google had become “an ideological echo chamber where some ideas are too sacred to be honestly discussed.” Firing him proved him to be correct.
Many people enjoy owning pets. If you enjoy something, it must be sinful — i.e., it must cause global warming.
Sure enough, the high priests of enviromoonbattery have spoken:
Pet ownership in the United States creates about 64 million tons of carbon dioxide a year, UCLA researchers found.
According to liberal ideology, carbon dioxide is bad, although plants would beg to differ. Another thing libs don’t like is meat:
The problem lies with the meat-filled diets of kitties and pooches, according to the study by UCLA geography professor Gregory Okin.
Linkage: 22 August, 2017 #TheTriggering — No Comments
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