Linkage: 31 January, 2016 featuring Neel Kolhatkar and Age Of Shitlords #TheTriggering
If you aren’t reading Age Of Shitlord ( you need to be.
If you aren’t subscribed to Neel Kolhatkar on CensorshipTube ( you need to be.
If you can hook me up with Cait Burley ( you need to do that.
Marvel has completely jumped the shark. Its one thing to support women’s rights or to want more female representation in comic books; I think most people support that as well.
However, for some reason, normal “equal rights” type of Feminism isn’t enough for Marvel, they have decided to adopt the crazy Tumblr-esque version of Feminism instead.
Words like “mansplaining” and “Patriarchy” now litter pages of Marvel’s newest comics.
About a week ago, we published an article about how Marvel Comics had swallowed the Feminist kool-aid and turned most of their comics into annoying Feminist fan fictions with cringe-worthy dialogues and bad drawings. Most of the comics, like Mockingbird, had to be canceled due to under-performing sales and poor reception from comic book fans.
Marvel must have not learnt their lesson, because their latest comic is several million degrees of insanity worse than all the previous ones.
The Unstoppable Wasp is a 2017 comic book written by Jeremy Whitler, which follows the story of an “unstoppable, genius, girl hero” named Nadia. Nadia is described as a teenage super scientist who wants to change the world, right after she gains U.S. Citizenship (Brace yourself for unwanted opinions on Immigration in future releases). The first issue of the book was released on January 4th, and I managed to get my hands on a copy of it for the purpose of writing this article (If you are reading this, you owe me reparations for the amount of cancer I had to endure, reading this comic).
This morning, the hashtag #RenameMillionWomenMarch surfaced on Twitter, to help Feminists find a more appropriate name for the event.
I’ll just share some of the tweets with you.
Yesterday, Richard Spencer, a self described “white nationalist”, was punched in the face by a masked “anti-fa” (short for “anti-fascist”) protester at Donald Trump’s inauguration. Spencer was being interviewed by a reporter about the meaning of Pepe the Frog, when the protester came out of nowhere to deliver the punch, and then disappeared into the crowd.
. . . . .
The man has been identified as one MR. Raymond Balley; an actual cuck.
Now, when I say “cuck”, I don’t mean it in the “Internet meme” kind of way, I mean an actual fucking Cuckold.
When Raymond (who goes by the name “Slave ray” online) isn’t punching people in the face, he’s letting women poop in his mouth, feed him their poop and many other disgusting fetishes that I won’t bother to describe.
After Trump’s victory in the presidential elections, the hashtag #NotMyPresident trended on Twitter for several days.
The proponents of the hashtag argued, among other things, that Trump was an illegitimate president because:
He was racist/sexist.
Russians Interfered with the elections.
Trump lost the popular vote.On a completely unrelated note, the annual football Superbowl will take place on Sunday the 5th of February, 2017.
The football match which will take place at the NRG Stadium, Houston, Texas, will see the New England Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons compete for the prestigious cup.
A few hours ago, the hashtag #NotMySuperbowl begun trending on Twitter. The hashtag was meant to satirize the #NotMyPresident hashtag, and it does a pretty good job it it.
Twitter is the gift that keeps on giving.
Say what you will about Twitter’s censorship or the fact that it is filled with snowflakes, the site still brings out some good shitposts every once in a while.
Today, the hashtag #FeministToDoList was trending and I couldn’t help but share some of the best tweets.
Inter-sectional Feminists believe that all body types are healthy and should be empowered.
Specifically, they believe that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being obese/fat, and they demand representation for fat people in TV Shows, movies, comics and video games.
They rally against what they call “unrealistic body standards“, and claim that “real women have curves“.
So why is it that every time Feminists cartoonize or draw themselves, they always make themselves look thinner and smaller?
The same people who campaign against “sexist” female characters always make sure to shed 10kg to 30kg off of their weight, fix their skin and make themselves look completely unrepresentative of reality whenever they draw themselves.
Think I’m joking?
Linkage: 31 January, 2016 featuring Neel Kolhatkar and Age Of Shitlords #TheTriggering — No Comments
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