Linkage: 21 June, 2016 #TheTriggering
eventually one realizes that everything good and beautiful in this world is a product of white cooperation and love, and that anything other than that is savagery and corruption, and non-whites can never understand why they fail, because they don’t have the je ne sais quois, or white man’s magic that it takes for simple s**t like a public park or a good book or helping a stranger find their way or not raping a 9yr old to cure your hiv
The Dalai Lama, who has himself lived in exile for over half a century, said most refugees currently in Europe should return to their home countries once conflicts have been resolved.
He said it was impossible for all migrants to be integrated into western society.
Agence France-Presse has reported that the leader of Tibetan Buddhism said: When we look at the face of each refugee, but especially those of the children and women, we feel their suffering, and a human being who has a better situation in life has the responsibility to help them.
“But on the other hand, there are too many at the moment – Europe, Germany in particular, cannot become an Arab country, Germany is Germany”.
“There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult.”
The Dalai Lama added that “from a moral point of view too, I think that the refugees should only be admitted temporarily”.
“The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.”
Dan Savage, for those of you who are unaware, is an openly gay – very openly gay – lefty who attracted notoriety in 2003 after he led a trolling campaign against the socially conservative senator Rick Santorum. Savaged attempted to redefine “santorum” as “the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.”
Savage later created a website, “,” which promoted the definition. At one point, it passed the socially conservative senator’s own site in Google’s search rankings. Savage promised to take the site down if the senator donated $5 million to the Freedom To Marry campaign.
As you might expect, I don’t have a lot in common with Dan Savage, who hates right-wingers with a passion. His frequent attacks on Christian conservatives, including his Santorum prank, are childish and whiny.
Yet, for a while at least, he was consistent. If the passage above is to be believed, he was once aware that Muslims hate gays with a passion that far exceeds anything the Christian right has ever thrown at us. So what happened? Why isn’t he at the forefront of anti-Islam activities today? Why isn’t he joining forces with Pamela Geller, or Geert Wilders, or me?
And why, after the Orlando shootings, did he go after “gun culture” and “religiosity” instead of the obvious culprit — Islam?
And guess what? There won’t be feminist harpies demanding “equality” when strong men are needed to rebuild civilization and defend against gangs and rival tribes. They’ll be begging for some of that “toxic” masculinity to come and protect them. They’ll kneel in submission to a patriarchal order faster than they would have screamed “rape!” in the previous world. Suddenly, with their government boyfriend gone and the internet white knights nowhere to to be found, their whole feminist charade will shatter and the ridiculousness of it all will become apparent. The unstable and fat ones will likely disappear first as they offer no value to anyone.
Also in the new world, the SJWs and the rest of the progressive freaks will die faster than a gay snowman in Saudi Arabia. No more bitching and insulting each other on the internet, no more trying to censor or ruin other people, and no more crying for sympathy and victim privileges. There won’t be anymore idiotic debates about who is right or wrong: only who survives and who doesn’t. The struggle for life without civilization will be face to face and man to man. I would love to see how well the loser male-feminists fare against the very men they love to bash without a computer screen to hide behind.
The future without the gynocentric system is a future where men will dominate.
Linkage: 21 June, 2016 #TheTriggering — No Comments
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